Cluj-Napoca is the first Eastern European city to benefit from European funding through the Urban Innovative Actions program. The 5.6 million euro project, of which 80% is non-reimbursable, aims at analyzing and testing scenarios that allow the cultural, academic, business and administrative sector and, in general, the community to prepare for the inevitable change which the next 20 years will bring into the labor market.
On 31 May 2019, the official launch of the project took place in Cluj-Napoca. The event was attended by representatives of the Cluj-Napoca City Hall, the Cluj Cultural Center and the members of the project management consortium, along with the national and local press and other people interested in the project.
Cluj Future of Work studies and tests opportunities for the city to prepare for the challenges to the labor market, that the future will bring. The project focuses mainly on cultural and social issues: what are the jobs that can be developed in the cultural and creative sectors, what will happen in the automation high-risk sectors, what will happen in sectors that already have working integration problems.
“The project starts with the investment stage, in which we will create a hub for the cultural and creative industries at CREIC. The Hub will be made up of three labs equipped with the latest technologies in the areas of animation, design, and automation, as well as a co-working space. Then we will launch activities where creative communities, universities, clusters of technology and disadvantaged communities of the city work together to learn from each other and to propose solutions to improve work in Cluj”, said Ovidiu Cîmpean, development director in Cluj-Napoca City Hall and co-manager of the Cluj Future of Work project.
“Following the progress of cultural and creative industries, the advancement of automation and the evolution of social challenges of all kinds, the labor market will undergo major transformations that will affect us all. In the project “Cluj Future of Work”, we will explore and experience for three years, several possible scenarios of the future of the city. When awarding funds, Urban Innovative Actions is stating the braveness of that city and its ability to take the risk of being the first to test new ideas that could improve the lives of cities in Europe, and we are glad that Europe sees in Cluj such a city”, said Anamaria Vrabie, director of the Urban Innovation Division of the Cluj Cultural Center and co-manager of the project.
Cluj Future of Work is co-managed by the Cluj-Napoca City Hall and Cluj Cultural Center in consortium with eight other local organizations: Transylvania International Film Festival, Art and Design University of Cluj-Napoca, ZAIN Transylvanian Creativity Festival, Intercultural Development Association Cluj, Cluj Cluster, Transylvania Creative Industries Cluster, Transylvanian Furniture Cluster .